Saturday, 31 August 2013

jonatan bäckelie - song

as this is probably my fifth or six entry about jonatan bäckelie/ernesto, i am not going to really do my usual starting paragraph where i talk about my relation to the artist and some musical history etc. need less to say i am a fan of bäckelie in various musical forms and as i follow him on twitter he's been giving hints of a musical restart and it took shape and form yesterday with this song, aptly titled just that.

bäckelie informed me that it was a cover of a lewis taylor song from taylor's first album and that it was one of his personal favourite tracks. for me it could have been an original as i didn't know about lewis taylor or this song but i did my small research after this small revelation. he also told me that it was in tribute but he didn't like how the coda of the original was so short so he expanded on that tangent.

for me it was news in either way but safe to say you could hear the traces of bäckelie's prior productions and sound in this cover. the contrast between the cold electronic (post)-dubstep beats and and jonatan's warm vocals has been tried upon a few times with great success. i also struck upon how much a marvin gaye-influence you could hear in the song but bäckelie was quick to point out that came from taylor, which is true as i heard the original.

it's a fairly faithful cover but with a sort of new twist and one of the key changes, beside the expanding of the endsection, is the bass. the way it pulsates and rattles in the bottom end is right up my alley and together with the rest of the sound it's brilliant. pat yourself on a back for this one jonatan as it's really good.

buy here (itunes)