Friday, 29 June 2012

the tlark - horunge

some songs you hear the first time blindly and it becomes your alltime favourite song before you have any clue about what it is. i remember clearly when i first heard this song and it was in a crowded & sweaty pub in february last year. i was there to listen to my older brothers band, named orangeclub, and two other bands (the tlark & nale) from södertälje.

my brothers band played first and did a great gig despite issues with the sound. then a punk band called the tlark came on and they had a style that is which is just energy. i had never heard of them before and this gig changed that royally. i am forever a fan and i tend to wear their t-shirt to any club that plays house or any other dancemusic.

amongst the songs played was one song that was obviously a favourite as the crowd kept yelling it throughout in the tradition of "freebird" or whatnot. the name of the song is "horunge" and it's a really simple song but utterly effective.

listen here (youtube)

it's one riff, one chord progression and a lyric that goes "horunge, horunge, h-o-r-u-n-g-e". (equivalence/translation "bastard, bastard, b-a-s-t-a-r-d"). basically it's got the catchy nature of the ramones' "i wanna be sedated", "blitzkrieg bop" and "pinhead" but with the lyrical mastery of anal cunt's "i noticed that you're gay", "you can't shut up" and "i sold your dog to a chinese restaurant"

i heard the song again on that night as an encore and i believe it's the version that is captured on camera on the clip above. the guy who ironically screams "va sa han?" ("what did he say?") and filmed it is a good friend of my brother and me named mikael norstedt is a talented musician as well.

anyhow those versions set the standard of how the song should sound so it was a little disapointing to hear the finished studio version. i had heard that they working on an album and saw on their youtube page that they uploaded songs. i had a listen and it just lacked a little of the gruffy screaming but it's not that much of a problem anyways. but it still is, so the best way is to just hear this song live. hope for the tlark's world domination then...

listen here (youtube)

also some part of me thinks i should plug their band as well in an own entry and i'll probably do it after they finished their new ep but knowing me i'll talk about an older song...

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