Friday 6 May 2011

embee - shibuya (with reinis zarins quartet)

when 'not tonight' hit the airwaves back in '04 i was hooked, i had heard that embee was releasing a solo album and this album was defiantly not what i expected from this beatsmith. although i hadn't listened to looptroop's "fort europa" album before listening to 'tellings from solitaria' so i didn't know that embee had started taking his beatmaking away from the traditional moody backpacker and hoodie beats.

according to the album booklet this track starts a four track suite that uses some recorded field sounds from the streets of tokyo. with this one he also collaborated with jazz outfit reinis zarin quartet whose presence shines through in the piano, live bass and saxophone sounds. definitely one of the highlights of the album, which is well worth the cop.

buy here (7digital) | youtube

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