Monday 3 December 2012

yara - law bassely

another song from when i was enamoured with all sorts of habibi-pop and i think this was a heads up or alert of a new release on one of the many english speaking arabic music forums. what hooked me in with "law bassely" ("if he only looked at me") was that intro that consists of some midrangey-bass womps and this twinkly melody and i was still at the time still liking epic trance music so i liked the bites.

i got hung up on on "law bassely" because of the intro and that it was catchy but also because it goes into two measures of 6/8 during the choruses. yes, it's that simple but i was liking how it switched from 4/4 to 6/8 as she stretches out the phrasing of the hook. i could mention what it is about lyrically but i've mentioned in the entry about nancy ajram's "ashkarballi" that all habibi-pop tracks are about love, hence the somewhat dimuitive name.

but if anyone is interested and haven't checked, then as the translated songtitle says, it's about unanswered love. this is the reason why i for the most part don't care about what the lyrical topics are with pop songs like this, because they are almost all about love. it goes for music in any sort of language, be it arabic or japanese or spanish or swahili or russian.

if the main topic of the song is about love it's probably about three forms: 1) i love you 2) i don't love you 3) why don't you love me. it goes without saying but in love equals physical intimacy in 90% of the cases. hence why i am more grabbed by the music than the lyrics but yara herself sings these enchanting lines about why this guy hasn't noticed her yet really well and that is what matters, doesn't it. great song.

buy here (itunes)

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