Tuesday 22 January 2013

delerium - truly (brother brown dub)

a year ago i wrote about the infusion remix of "truly" and until today i've only cared about two version of the song beong the album version, signum's version and infusion as mentioned. brother brown's versions was something i didn't care for at the time and i have never been interested at listening to it since deleting the mp3's from my own ripped single. henceforth when i listened to a few days ago it was with completely fresh ears and it's amazing.

something for my sets even but not in the original tempo which is at 126 but more in the realms at 140 which is why i'm using the less vocal version. set at this tempo hides a builder with a really driving bassline but also with a nice dark atmosphere. the echoed bits nerina pallot's vocal has been reduced to fits the theme for the track as well. same goes for the bass womps that are more impacting at this speed along with the reverbed synth tones and the somewhat dissonant harpsichord-sounding pluck.

it's a shame that i didn't catch it's brilliance eight years ago but i know that i wouldn't have gotten it then, unless jan henrik or someone else put it in the right context.

listen here (youtube)

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