Wednesday 7 December 2011

jan jelinek - moire

this one came around at a time i was looking for things out of my comfort zone, and then in the big cloud of genre music either known as "downtempo" (or "electronica"). that is the name(s) most people, pidgeonholers and non-pidgeonholers use for all electronic music that is not danceable in a clubby manner.

i have no idea what to define it as it is part glitch, part dub, part "idm" and part michael jackson. i don't really care what it is, so for all intents and purposes it's techno. except it's not.

musically it is a haze of very fragile sounds, a lot of enclosed dub echoes and crackles. this piece comes in three shapes and forms and what separates them as they have similar themes is the additional sound. they are called "strings", "guitar & horns" and "piano & organ" but fact is the additional sound isn't as defined as it says on the tin.

they are part of the haze and by far the composition that is my favourite has to be "piano & organ" as sample evokes all the right shades of that nice cheery gloom (if that even makes sense). i think it's more predictable for me to say the "strings" as i used it in one of my mixes but while i think that version is awesome, it just made sense for that portion.

however, all of them are great.

piano & organ: buy here (junodownload)
strings: buy here (junodownload)
guitar & horns: buy here (junodownload)

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