Monday 19 December 2011

lamb - softly (bola remix)

i bought the softly single at a secondhand shop four-five years ago or and i hadn't heard "softly" before but i knew of lamb and the fact that you could always find quality remixes on their singles. this one had two versions of "softly" by bola and red snapper and a version of "alien" by photek.

i listened to them all when i took it home but one version caught on fast and it was quite ahead of it's time. burial's sound was hot at the time and i found something that was in that sonical neighbourhood but made ten yours prior. it has the distinct shuffled drumrhythms along with heavy atmosphere sitting on top of heavy subbass.

only thing that is the track is at 6/8 since the original was made in that and i found it harder to work along with other tracks but i did anyways and when i didn't do that i listened to it a little to much. it's just infectious and you do get the same feeling as when you heard "archangel" or "broken home" the first time.

buy here (7digital)

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