Friday 12 April 2013

duvchi - whole life tour

"whole life tour" was something i heard on national radio and i didn't catch it's brilliance until the third or fourth listen. i knew of jens duvsjö aka duvchi's previous single "turtledoves" and quite liked it but it was a quite some time between those two singles. when i caught on to the song it was an amazement of the sound and the use of effects, into almost the extreme.

some words and references come to mind when i hear it as i don't even know how to pigeon-hole this one. it blatantly lifts ideas from the recent chillwave and glo-fi movement. however you can also easily point to shoegaze and modern psychedelic rock and pop music. for me it's a case of hearing it to an extent where i wonder how it sounds completely stripped of effects.

even looked on youtube to see if an early version existed but only found duvsjö performing it as it is back in late 2011, so i guess this song was to be released closer to "turtledoves" but something got in the way. none the less the song has two distinct parts and the latter would be the last minute which is completely instrumental. but it also loosens up the use of filters and effects sounds are heard more prominently but the mood also switches a bit for the cheerier.

duvchi's vocal delivery reflects well on the kind of backing you hear with a rhythm that is phased slowly.
the song it self is about wanting to escape the normal day life and you can hear well it uses the mood changes between verse and chorus. during the verses it's sort of staccato and there is heavy use of rhyming to an extent that i hear him rapping but it's on the poetic side. basically it's spoken word type flow but the choruses are sung with great romantic emphasis, in that modern gentle indie-r&b type way.

there is also a picked guitar and the bottom end a bassline that is rumbling away. the use of pads is remarkable as big use of reverbs almost makes for a airy cloud of sound surrounding everything. listening closer you can hear how the pads are integrated into everything along with these long sweeping strings that are used for accents.

when duvsjö starts the transition into the second part of the song it is started with the pads and reverb that somehow starts to pushing forward. it is almost as it's going to end on a highnote when a small interlude of reverbed pianos comes in, and it could also be the closer. but it pushes into a interesting part where the volume of the music is increased as the aural clarity is refined. part of me wishes it would go on for a bit longer but i also like it at this length.

buy here (itunes)

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